Tag Archives:

round the world

The Largest Water Fight in the World at Chiang Mai, Thailand

One of the most unforgettable and fun experiences (besides volunteering with the animals at Safari) during our time in Thailand and RTW trip was being able to celebrate Songkran in Chiang Mai.  Songkran is the festival that marks the beginning of the New Year according to the Thai...
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The National Museum & Royal Palace in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

We'd finally arrived at our hotel, Rambutan Resort in Phnom Penh after spending the day on a bus from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. [foogallery id="11534"]     After settling into our hotel, we took a tuk-tuk into the main area of town in search of food.  We were dropped off right...
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Frequently Asked Questions

After discovering the huge online travel community and so many other long-term and frequent travelers, we sometimes are surprised and forget that our Round The World trip is not considered common and we are usually met with a bunch of questions from people.  We left our hometown of Los Angeles in...
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Taking the bus from Ho Chi Minh City to Phnom Penh

We initially were going to start our Asian travels in Vietnam, but due to friends coming to visit later in the month (yay!), we moved around our schedule and would head to Cambodia and then back to Vietnam later on to meet with them, as we had a 3 month, multiple entry Visa for Vietnam.  We decided...
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Eating Like a Local in Saigon, Vietnam

Food has always played a major part of our travels. We have an unofficial motto that the food of the destination makes or breaks our trip in that particular city/country. With Vietnam, it was definitely the food that will keep us coming back. Landing in Saigon was the first Asian city of our RTW...
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Istanbul, Turkey (Part 2)

After a full day of site-seeing the day prior, we had an open schedule and just planned to walk around and explore.  It was raining and a bunch of the street cats found shelter around the corner of our apartment building.  I'm sure Minh and Connie were tired of my excitement over all the cats...
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Istanbul, Turkey

After spending Thanksgiving in Selcuk, we were headed to our last stop in Turkey - Istanbul.  Upon our arrival to Istanbul, we checked into our Air Bnb apartment in the Beyoglu district. We dropped off our bags and headed straight to Durumzade, a Kebap place that has been made famous by Anthony...
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Safari Park Volunteering – Safari

Finishing up the series of our week volunteering at Safari Park Volunteers in Kanchanaburi, Thailand, the next team we were assigned to was Safari.   You can read our experience on the other teams here: Volunteer Team - Cubs Volunteer Team - Rescue   Volunteer Team -...
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Safari Park Volunteering – Rescue

Continuing the series of our week volunteering at Safari Park Volunteers in Kanchanaburi, Thailand, the next team we were assigned to was Rescue.   You can also read about our experience on the other teams here: Safari Park Volunteering - Cubs Safari Park Volunteering -...
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Safari Park Volunteering – Cubs

When planning out our RTW trip, I knew I wanted to volunteer during our time abroad and somehow came across Safari Park Volunteers while researching online.  It was affordable (some volunteer programs are actually really costly and require a huge time commitment), we could choose how long we wanted...
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